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How to accept myself just the way I am

Society promotes the idea that having a “perfect body” is key to landing a dream job, having good health, gaining popularity, success, attracting a romantic partner… the list goes on. So, it’s no wonder we spend so much time and energy focused on trying to achieve this “perfect body”, or beating ourselves up for not doing enough to achieve it.

It is incredibly unrealistic and unfair to expect ourselves to all fit an impossible ideal, though we will go to extreme lengths to try to get it, often at the expense of our own health and happiness. There is a reason the diet, fitness and cosmetic industries are multi-billion-dollar industries!

So, for those of us who don’t fit this perfect ideal (i.e. everyone), how do we accept ourselves for who we are?

  1. It can be helpful to begin to question and challenge appearance ideals. Think about who benefits from promoting this ideal – is it the magazines, fashion industry, diet industry etc.

  2. Remind yourself that all images are edited or enhanced, and imagine what they looked like before they were touched up.

  3. Take time to become aware of the size and shape diversity around you.

  4. Focus on self-care rather than self-control (read my blog on healthy goals here)

  5. Throw away your bathroom scales

  6. Be aware of what you are surrounding yourself with, regularly reflect on how this makes you feel, and consider changing your surroundings. For example, if every time you use social media you are exposed to images that make you feel unhappy with your own body weight or shape, consider unfollowing some pages, limiting time on social media or deleting it altogether.

Lastly, it can be helpful to consider the following:

  • Dogs can be small or large, muscly or thin, and we accept them all (and us dog-lovers think they are all adorable!).

  • Flowers are all different and unique: roses, daisies, tulips, frangipanis, camelias – they are all beautiful in their own way.

Why don’t we, as humans, accept and appreciate our own differences in the same way as we do for dogs, flowers, or any other living thing?

If you would like to learn more, book in for a free 15minute discovery call today. Click here to book now.

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